Cubitan 200ml
Cubitan 200ml is a ready-to-drink, high-protein oral nutritional supplement enriched with essential nutrients for wound healing, including arginine, vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, and zinc.
Features and Benefits:
- High in Protein: 17.6 g of protein per bottle to support rapid and effective wound healing.
- Arginine-Enriched: 3 g per bottle to stimulate wound healing through collagen deposition.
- Vitamin C-Enriched: 250 mg per bottle to promote collagen synthesis and enhance wound stability.
- Vitamin E-Enriched: 38 mg per bottle to assist wound healing with its antioxidant properties.
- 200ml
For dietary management of:
- Disease-related malnutrition
- Patients with pressure injuries
Important Notice:
- Not suitable as a sole source of nutrition.
- Not for parenteral use.
- Not suitable for individuals with galactosaemia.
- Not suitable for those with a cow’s milk protein allergy.
- Not suitable for infants and children under 3 years old.
- Use with caution in children aged 3-6 years.
Direction for Use:
- Shake well before use.
- Best served chilled.
- Usage should be determined by a healthcare professional.
- Store in a cool, dry place.
- Once opened, refrigerate and consume within 24 hours.
Allergen & Cultural Information:
- Contains: cow’s milk protein.
- Does not contain: wheat, eggs, nuts, or lupins.
- Halal certified.
- No Kosher forbidden ingredients.
- Gluten-free, with no detectable gluten at sensitivity levels below 5 parts per million (<5 ppm or <5 mg/kg).
Additional Information
Type: |
Nutritional Supplement |
Range: |
Dietary Supplement |
Size: |
200ml |
Range: |
Cubitan |